Planing Your Fence Layout | Patriot Fence Chargers
Posted by Patriot Chargers on
Plan Your Fence Layout
To get started, it helps to sketch a diagram and measure the distance of the area you'd like to fence.
Grab a pencil and walk around the area you want to fence, measuring and sketching your layout.

Include in your plan:
- Location of buildings/ barns enclosed by or sitting adjacent to your fence Location of your fence energizer and electrical source (if required)
- Trees, hills, low and/or wet areas, or other obstacles. It's also a good idea to have your utility company mark any underground cables or lines that may be in the immediate vicinity
- Water supply and feeding locations Gate locations Fence termination points.
As you're sketching your layout consider these questions:
- Are you going to use wood posts, steel posts or rod posts? Or is it just a temporary fence with pigtail or tread‑in posts?
- What type of gate(s) do you plan on using?